Compressed Air Supply

Compressed Air Supply

In breweries, compressed air is primarily used as a power source for pneumatic components, and other equipment requiring pneumatic operation. To ensure the quality of the compressed air, basic filtration is necessary to remove water and oil. After being purified, compressed air can be also used in processes such as wort oxygenation and CO2 replacement in fermenters.


Oil-free air compressors2 sets

Air buffer tank1 sets

Air dryer*1 sets

Several filters

Matching pipes, valves, etc.

Key Features

  • Oil-free air compression: To avoid oil and gas pollution in the air
  • Air buffer and impurity removal: configure a buffer tank, and the compressed air enters the tank. The impurities in the air settle in the tank, with the majority of the water, oil, and dust being separated.
  • Air filtration: The configuration of filters and the location of compressed air system access will depend on the specific gas quality requirements. The basic configuration offers precise filtration at 3 μm, 1 μm, and 0.01 μm. Moreover, special filters including “oil removal filters,” “bacterial removal filters,” “activated carbon filters,” and others are configured according to process requirements.
  • Compressed air drying: dryers, typically refrigerated dryers, are utilized to remove moisture released by compressed air due to temperature changes, ensuring that the compressed air meets the requirements of its intended use.

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